
Favorite Day of the Week!

Tuesdays are always my busy days, so you can expect to rarely see a post from Tuesdays! Though they are always busy, this day is usually my favorite of the week. The early morning began around 7 with my Bible, journal, and of course, the Lord. I always enjoy having my quiet time in the morning, while most of Auburn seems to still be asleep. After attending "The Secret Church" with Aunt Diane this past weekend, I am enjoying going back through our study guide and retaining the material at a much slower pace. David Platt used Friday night and the wee hours of the morning on Saturday to teach us about the Holy Spirit-the identity and the work it does in each Christian's life. 8:00 a.m. quickly rolled around, and it was off to babysit Caroline for the morning. I love the time I get to spend with her, and thought I would include a picture to show y'all the baby I talk about quite often. She was VERY energetic today, and seems to love the mirror and the outdoors more and more each time I see her.Our time together ended at 12 and it was off to class-and class was class. Not too much to say about that. My 2:00 class was cancelled, so I used that time to get outside and enjoy the fall weather. I went to Towne Creek Park and ran for about 30 minutes as I thought and prayed about D-group. I spoke to the girls about the "spiritual harvest" that we are all a part of as Christians. We looked at a passage from Galatians 6. They all seemed to understand the imagery in this verse, and were quick to realize that sowing the seeds of gossip, disrespect, etc. would reap a harvest that does not please the Lord. Have a great day!